Current exchange rates
How to check today's exchange rate?
- Visit Bangkok Banks website with exchange rates.
- Find the title "TT Buying Rates" in the table
- Go down the column to the row for your currency
- The number indicates how many baht you get for each of of your currency.
You can also check historical exchange rates. Enter your date in the top of the table and click on "GO". The result is presented in an updated table.
Our houses and condominiums are in most cases sold in Thai baht
In order to facilitate price comparisons for you as a customer, we sometimes indicate a price in other currencies on our listing presentations. The price indication is the same as the date of publication. Exchange rate and date are stated in connection with the foreign currency.
Price exampel
A pricing can look like this in our presentations:
”760 000 SEK / 707 000 NOK / 78 500 Euro / 81 USD 500/65 500 GBP (2016-12-15)”
This means that each specified price has been calculated based on exchange rates on 15 December 2016.
Because the exchange rate varies, always check the current exchange rate before deciding on purchase.
Please note that the stated prices are indication only and assume that ERA Oakfield Thailand's normal payment routines are followed. Furthermore, we can not take any responsibility for the accuracy of the information on the Bangkok Bank website.